Have you experienced being kicked out from your previous school because of being such a badass or leaving your previous school because of some issues you're currently involved? Entering a new phase in life being a college student can be hard but transferring to a new school, or university and completely having to adjust to a new environment are definitely harder. Here are some quick tips to help ease your transfer to a new university.

Keep a copy of your personal school records and keep updated. Some may mot consider this as an important thing a transfer student must have but I assure you, keeping those records and being updated is just as important as your performance in school.

Attend an orientation. You may think that you don't need to attend orientations anymore because you've already experienced attending one. But, hey! hey! It may still be the same hearing those common words said by your previous school but what makes this one a must is you will have the chance to meet other transferee students and you can be friends with them too. You can gather all the basic information you need including the different locations on campus (library, canteen, bookstore, computer lab, faculty, your possible rooms, etc.), clubs in which you can join, or even scholarship grants.

Offer friendship to other students. By having some sort of connection, you will be able to get some tips and ideas on how you can survive in the campus. They may also be of big help by sharing knowledge and helping, especially in your academics.

Find a comfortable study space. This is just an option for those who loves to be alone most of the time. 

Get to know your professors. There are some professors that support their students when they see potential in him/her. They can also help you find an on-the-job training or maybe an internship that may improve your skills and performance ability and use it for your chosen career.

Get involved with campus activities. Getting involved means having a greater chance to be known by other students.

Get yourself a locker. You may find yourself stressing over the bunch of school tools you've brought. Having a locker might help you feel relaxed.

Have a personal DIY timetable. You're new and can get confused about your own schedule and where you should be heading to get in time for your next class. By having a timetable posted inside your door locker and on the front cover of your journal it will now be easier for you to hop in your next class.

Make a DIY map of where your rooms are. You might think of a thought, "Why do this when you can just simply ask some of the students out there?" Yes, yes you have a point, but not all of us are extroverts here. You may also encounter a  day wherein you don't feel like talking to anybody else. This could help you for your first month being a transferee. I'm also planning to do one. 

Do your school works immediately. Cramming is a study technique that we are all familiar with but that fact doesn't mean we have to always do the "cramming" thing. It is still nice to know that you've done things ahead of time. It will help you feel relieved and avoid tension.

Never miss a day in class. If you can't prevent having an absence, you should catch up as soon as possible for the subjects you've missed. As a transfer student, having a good performance in your first semester is a must!

Join a group or club. Having yourself engaged in a university clubs can help you develop your hidden talents and improve them. You can showcase your talent here and apply it to your future career.

Think of way/s for you to release the negative energy. Who says college is all about fun? We get stressed most of the time especially when things get out of hand. You better think of a way to release the negative energy that is holding onto your happiness and concentration. You can go to your favorite quiet spot wherein you can vent out all your problems, or you can simply go to your favorite coffee shop and spend time alone or with a friend whom you can share your problems with. It's all up to you, what's important is that you let that negativity out of your soul.

Have a self-discipline. Do your duties as a responsible student cause this will be for the benefit of your own good.

Have fun! Having a new life dealing with the new environment and different persons doesn't seem to be easy but learning to be flexible despite the difficulties are not that hard either. Life isn't all about getting good grades, you should also have fun, have time to relax, and reward yourself for doing your best in everything.

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